Sunday, May 28, 2023

On This Day in Family History - Memorial Day

I was a teenager in the Vietnam War era, when patriotism wasn't cool. And I admit my sentiments about that haven't changed much as I've grown older. But in the summer of 1969 I took a trip with my uncle Ron and aunt Maxine to Washington DC. We saw all the usual sites -- including Ford's Theater and the house across the street from the theater, and the bedroom where President Lincoln died. The most fascinating thing we saw was the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I didn't have a video camera, so I took a picture every few seconds, during the ceremony, to capture the whole sequence. If you ever get anywhere near Washington DC, go see it ! It's an experience you'll never forget.

The Iwo Jima monument
President John F. Kennedy's grave (with eternal flame)

Robert Kennedy's grave (It was new in 1969 -- I'm sure it's different now.)

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