Sunday, May 28, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 28

On Memorial Day in Hartford, Michigan, kids were invited to decorate their bikes and ride them in the parade. My brother John rode in the parade for the first time when he was a little bitty thing (on a little bitty bike). He must have been 3 years old in this picture. Dad ran along beside him. The parade route was only 3 or 4  blocks long -- Hartford is a very small town.

We had a little bike like that when I was very young. It didn't have coaster brakes -- you just had to stop pedaling if you wanted to slow down or stop. I don't know if this is the same bike or not. (John is 10 years younger than me.) This picture was taken the year after the photo above. John would be 4 years old in this one.

This would have been 1970 -- John would be 5 years old. I guess he had outgrown that little bike by then and graduated to a real one.

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