Sunday, May 07, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 7

John M Burford was born 07 May 1795

John is the earliest we have been able to trace of the Burford genealogy so far.

John M. Burford married Mary 'Polly' Berry 21 February 1818 and they had five children - Alexander Oscar, Mary Ann, Martha Elizabeth, Basil Berry, and Lucinda.

John M. Burford died 27 February 1873, age 77.

Mary 'Polly' Berry Burford died 22 September 1842, age 50.

They are both buried in Burford Cemetery, Jasper County, Illinois

Their son Alexander Oscar Burford was my great-great-grandfather. He married Nancy Reynolds. They had six children - John, William, George, Missouri, Shelton, and Alexander Jr.

Alexander Oscar Burford, Jr. was my great-grandfather.
 He married Helen Virginia Lockard and had three children - Raymond, Edith, and Hazel. Helen Virginia died, and he married Lora Gibson. Alex and Lora had ten children - Adelbert (Deb), Helen, Ishmael, George, Killough, Bernice, Lester, Neil, Juanita, and Judy.

Lester Burford was my grandfather. He married Cleffie Hicks and they had four children - Wathada (my mother), Morris, Bob, and Ron.

Wathada married Richard Thomas, and they had ... ME. 

(Well, they also had my two brothers. But I'm the most important -- and best -- of the three!  LOL)

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