Saturday, May 13, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 13

Kenneth Leeth died 13 May 1951, age 43

Photo: Dennis, Daisy, Kenneth (left), and Carl Leeth, 1911

This is the only picture I have of Kenneth Leeth. Kenneth was the son of Rebecca Parker and Leslie Leeth. Rebecca was a sister to my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat.

Photos: Moses Joseph Parker and Sarah 'Sally' Davis Parker
Moses Joseph Parker II and Celia Campbell Parker

Moses and Celia (my great-great-grandparents) had seven children:
Photo: Top - Alice, Massie, John. Bottom - Beckie, Pearl, Earl.
The third-born child, Maudie, died at age 5. I don't have any pictures of her.

Rebecca (Beckie) Parker married Leslie Ellis Leeth. They had 5 children - Twins Dennis and Daisy, Kenneth, Carl, and Vera Juanita
Photo: Leslie Leeth, Beckie Parker, daughter Vera Juanita 
(Apparently this child was called 'Wanna' -- I'm not sure how they spelled it. Maybe 'Juana'.)

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