Friday, May 19, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 19

 Catherine Belle Treat (Aunt Belle) died 19 May 1962

Photo: Chris and Bill, Bob McDonald, Aunt Belle
This picture was taken in Aunt Belle's house.

Bob McDonald was the husband of Aunt Belle's daughter, Faun. We usually stayed with Faun and Bob whenever I went to Ohio with Grandma and Grandpa. Aunt Faun and I had the same birthday, and we always sent each other a birthday card every year.

This postcard was in a box full of postcards from various members of the Thomas family. This one was written by my grandmother, Christie Treat Thomas. Belle Treat was her aunt.

"We stayed all nite here the 21th Madge's John's & us when Aunt Belle died... was buried Tues May 22 '62"

Photo L-R: Faun, Bob, Mabel, Bill, Chris, John, Madge

John and Madge (mentioned in the postcard) were Christie's brother and sister. Mabel was John's wife. Faun was Aunt Belle's daughter, and Bob McDonald was her husband. This picture was taken in 1970.

Photo: Bill, Aunt Belle, Chris

I don't know for sure when this picture was taken. It seems like I remember being told that Aunt Belle was in a nursing home before she died. I also remember Grandma telling me that Aunt Belle had to have her hair cut -- for the first time in her life -- when she was in the nursing home, because it was giving her headaches. 

I remember going to see Aunt Belle at her house at least once. I usually went with Grandma and Grandpa every summer to visit Grandma's relatives in Ohio. I was 7 years old when Aunt Belle died, and I did not go with them on the trip when they went to her funeral. 

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