Saturday, May 27, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 27

Memorial Day in Hartford, Michigan - 1970

First, the parade. These are little baton twirlers, students at the local dance studio...

...and the little drum major.

Here's the real drum major, Hartford High School band - Diana Knight
The reason there's an empty lot on Main Street is because there had been a big fire in town a year or two before these pictures were taken. Some of the stores had not yet been rebuilt. 

After the parade, the cemetery. (Decorated bikes were part of the parade.)

This was the high school band director, Mr. Fay

This was pastor Smith from the Federated Church, who led a prayer as part of the cemetery ceremonies.

After the cemetery, the park. Everybody who ever lived in Hartford came home for Memorial Day. It was like a town reunion in the park after the parade and ceremonies were over.
The little girl is Jackie Jo Treat - daughter of my dad's cousin Jack Treat (right) and his wife Joanie (behind Jackie Jo)

A classmate of mine, Lynn Cornell. I don't know who the baby is.

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