Friday, May 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 26

Some of the good memories of my childhood revolve around Memorial Day in Hartford, Michigan. To my recollection, it was sort of an annual town reunion. Everybody who ever lived in Hartford came back to town for the Memorial Day celebration. In preparation, folks went out to the cemeteries and cleaned up their relatives' graves and put out fresh flowers and flags. (Some of the older folks still called it Decoration Day.)
Bob McDonald, Bill Thomas, John Treat

Christie Thomas, decorating the grave of her brother Ray Treat

Christie Thomas and Mabel Treat

These pictures were taken in 1966.

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Cleffie Burford and Wathada Thomas at Arlington Hill Cemetery, Bangor, Michigan, May 1993

Wathada at Carvil A Barnett's grave, Thomas Cemetery, Bangor Michigan, May 1993

Cleffie at Christie and Bill Thomas' graves, Arlington Hill Cemetery, Bangor, Michigan, May 1993

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