Friday, May 12, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 12

 Leona Canzada Bullard Hamby was born 12 May 1880

Leona was the daughter of George Bullard and his first wife Josephine Tamsett. 
Photo: George and Josephine Tamsett Bullard with daughter Leona

Leona Bullard married William Limuel Phalamil Hamby in 1901, and they had three children - Mel, Joe, and Dulcia. 

Photos: Mel Hamby

I don't have pictures of Joe or Dulcia.

William Hamby died in 1934, and Leona married A.D. Cross in 1938.

Leona died 25 July 1961, age 81.

The picture below is William Hamby's grave. It is in the same cemetery where Leona is buried -- Mount Olive Cemetery in Big Spring, Texas -- but I don't know if she is buried beside him or not.

I don't know when A.D. Cross died, nor where he is buried, so I don't know if Leona was buried with him or not. He would have been in his 80s when she died (so probably didn't remarry). Leona's children all lived nearby in Texas, so I would expect they would have wanted her to be buried with their father, William Hamby.

*   *   *

The Bullard and Tamsett families are connected with the Arnold and Carter families by marriage. George Bullard and his sister Peggy raised my great-great-grandfather John Henry Arnold. He was the son of their sister Emma and her first husband Jack (?) Arnold. We don't know what happened to him, whether they were divorced or he died -- we really don't know anything about him, not even certain what his first name was. Emma's second husband was Alex McReynolds, and about the time she married him is when George and Peggy took John Henry to live with them. (They were brother and sister, but they 'set up housekeeping' together for the purpose of raising their sister's child.) 

Josephine Tamsett (George Bullard's first wife) was the sister of Jackson Tamsett. Jackson and his wife Sarah were the parents of Jessie Tamsett (who married George Arnold) and Amy Tamsett (who married John Carter). Sarah Tamsett was the midwife who delivered my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Photo: Jackson and Sarah Tamsett

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