Tuesday, May 02, 2023

On This Day in Family History - May 2

 George Thomas Carter was born 02 May 1880

George was the brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

George married Larah Ann Elizabeth Wilkerson in 1901. (Don't know if her name was spelled Larah or Laura. I've seen it both ways in various sources.) She died in April 1938 after being injured in a tornado. (George later married Lula Nance.) 

According to his obituary, George and Larah Carter had eight children, only 3 of whom survived. (Childhood disease and death were all too common back in those days -- hardly any families were untouched by the death of at least one child.) 
Photo: George and Larah Carter with Lena, Frank, and baby Etta.

Photo: Etta and Lena Carter
I took this picture at the annual Carter/Arnold family reunion in Floral, Arkansas, 1983.
*   *   *

George Thomas Carter died 16 April 1955, age 74. He was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Floral, Arkansas.

Larah is also buried in Pine Grove Cemetery

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