Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 29

Okay, well I didn't post this yesterday because I fell down a rabbit hole trying to figure out who the lady in this picture is:

I can't remember where I got this picture. According to the computer, I've had it for three years. It's labeled "Theressa K. Walters 100th birthday"

For the life of me I cannot figure out who in the world Theressa K. Walters is! I thought maybe she would be related to Uncle Sherman (husband of Aunt Helen Burford Walters), but I couldn't find any evidence to support that. I tried looking her up on the FamilySearch website and here's what I got:
Apparently Theressa K. (Plum) Walters is my 11th cousin three times removed! We have some mutual ancestor, on the Thomas side of the family. So... what am I doing with this photograph? Where did it come from? I am completely baffled. But since I spent the better part of the day yesterday trying to figure it out, I'mma go ahead and post it.


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