Friday, September 03, 2021

September 03


Ora Val Cartee Blankenship 1894-1973 age 78

I only have one picture of Ora Val, and it is in this group photo. Ora Val is standing in the back, second from left.

Photo: Front: Amy Tamsett Carter, Adaline Carter Arnold, Margaret Carter Rhoades, Nancy Ellen Carter Cartee. Standing behind: Guy Cartee, Ora Cartee Blankenship (children of Isabel Matilda Carter Cartee), Arthur Dunn, Boston Dunn (sons of Mary Carter Dunn), John Martin Carter, Lewis Dunn (son of Mary), George Thomas Carter, Bert Dunn (son of Mary).

Adaline Carter Arnold is my great-great-grandmother (mother of Annie Arnold Hicks). In the group picture Adaline, Margaret, Nancy, John, and George are all siblings, children of Ned Jonas Carter. The rest are spouses and nieces and nephews. There are two or three unidentified people in the background.

Ora Val Cartee was the daughter of Isabel Matilda Carter and Thomas Ewing Cartee. 

Some of the other people in the group picture are children of Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn
Isabel Matilda and Mary Elizabeth are sisters to Adaline, Margaret, Nancy, John, and George.

Ned Jonas Carter had 14 children altogether, with his first and second wives.

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