Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13


Erlene Burford and Arnold Slocum 1941

I only have one picture of the two of them together, in this group photo which also includes Erlene's parents George and Willie Mae Burford, Arnold and Erlene's baby son Larry, Hazel Burford, Raymond and Ruby Burford and their daughter-in-law Mallie. 

Raymond, George, and Hazel are siblings -- children of Alexander Oscar Burford. One of their younger brothers, Lester Burford, was my grandfather. Erlene was his first cousin.

I don't have any other pictures of Arnold Slocum, and this is the only other adult picture I have of Erlene.

Arnold and Erlene Slocum had two children: Larry and Linda Sue.
In this photo I believe the boy 2nd from left (front) is Larry Slocum and the girl 2nd from right (front) is Linda Sue Slocum. The man and woman on the left are George and Willie Mae Burford, parents of Erlene Burford Slocum. They would be Larry and Linda Sue's grandparents. This picture was taken in 1956.

The only other photos I have of their family is this one of Linda Sue Slocum's twin babies Caryl and Daryl Carwell, born in 1967.

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