Friday, September 17, 2021

September 17


James Edward Leon Garrett 1939-2007

I only have one picture of Leon (that I know of). It's a group photo of him with his mother and siblings.

  James Edward Leon Garrett was the son of Verlie Arnold and her first husband James Everett Garrett. When Leon was born Verlie and Everett were divorced, Verlie had married Everett's brother Ed Garrett, and her sister Mildred had married Everett.
  (The original of this photo has two people in the background whom I suspect are Mildred and her daughter Eva Jane, who would be the same age as Leon. Can't confirm it, though.)

Photo: Ed and Verlie Garrett 1983

I just yesterday found out that Verlie Garrett is still alive, and recently celebrated her 100th birthday.
Photo: Verlie Arnold Garrett (age 100) and her daughter Verletta, March 2021

Photo: Verlie Arnold Garrett and her sister Joan, age 98, March 2021

Thanks to cousin Glynda Carter Tucker for the pictures from Verlie's 100th birthday party!

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