Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20


Twins Daisy and Dennis Leeth 1905

Daisy and Dennis were the children of Rebecca Parker and Leslie Ellis Leeth. 
Rebecca Parker was a sister to my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat.
Leslie and Rebecca had six children: Dennis and Daisy, Kenneth, Carl, Harold Glendale, and Vera Juanita. Harold Glendale Leeth died at age 2 months from whooping cough.
Photos: Leslie and Rebecca Leeth with daughter Vera Juanita. Dennis, Daisy, Kenneth, and Carl Leeth.

Daisy Leeth married Walter Grooms and they had three children - sons Nelson and Rodney, and a daughter (I haven't been able to find out the daughter's name). Nelson died at age 19 from diabetes and Bright's disease. Walter Grooms died at age 28 of typhoid fever. Daisy married Orla Herman in 1951. Daisy died in 1989 at age 83.

Dennis Leeth married Ona Dell Crabtree in 1928, and they had three daughters - Geraldine, Marvine, and an unnamed daughter who died at birth. Ona Dell died in 1932 at age 23. Dennis married Harriett Smith in 1934 and they had five children - sons Adrian, Leslie, and Charles, and daughters Flora and Sheila. Dennis died in 1945 at age 40.



“My days are like a shadow that declineth;

He weakened my strength,

He shortened my days;

but Thou oh Lord shall endure forever,

for Thou are the same,

and Thy years shall have no end.”

But like the shadow has been the passing away of our loved one.


Dennis Leeth son of Leslie & Rebecca Parker Leeth, who was born at Morgantown, Ohio, September 20, 1905, departed this life October 8, 1945, at the age of 40 years and 16 days. In 1928 he was united in marriage to Ona Crabtree. Three daughters were born to this union, one dying in infancy. In 1934 he was again united in marriage to Harriett Smith, to which union 5 children were born. He leaves the loving wife, 4 daughters, Geraldine, Marvine, Flora May, and Sheila, 3 sons, Leslie, Charles David and Adrian; 2 brothers, Kenneth of Spargusville route 1, Carl of Bainbridge route 2; 2 sisters, Mrs. Daisy Grooms, Bainbridge route 2, Mrs. Jeanne Walls, Spargusville route 1; one half-sister, Flossie Leeth, Spargusville route 1, and step-mother, Mrs. Carrie Leeth, Bainbridge.


He was a devoted husband, a loving father, a loyal friend and neighbor. No task was to hard to do for his loved ones, all his time and efforts were for the happiness and comfort of his dear ones. 


“A wonderful stream is the River Time,

As it runs through the vale of tears, 

With a faultless rhythm, a musical rhyme

And a broader sweep and a surge sublime,

As it blends with the ocean of years.

There's a magical isle up the River Time,

Where the softest of songs are playing;

There's a cloudless sky, and a tropical clime,

And a tune as sweet as a vesper chime

And the Junes with the roses are straying.

There are hands that are waved at this beautiful shore;

When the mist has lied in air

And we sometimes hear through he restless roar

Sweet voices heard in the days gone before,

When the wind down the river was fair.

And remembered for always is this blessed isle;

All the days of our life till it's night

And when our evening glows with its beautiful smile,

And our eyes are closing in last slumber

While that wonderful isle comes in sight.”


Funeral services were held at Morgantown church, conducted by Rev. Ted Mendenhall after which the body was laid to rest in Gardner cemetery. A.M. Gregg was funeral director. 

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