Sunday, September 05, 2021

September 05


John Downing Herdman 1837-1916

The Herdman family is related to the Treat branch of our family tree. 
Photo: Front - John, Estle, Martha, Back - Belle and Marcus

Belle Treat married Ulysses Grant Herdman.
Ulysses' great-grandfather was a brother to John Downing Herdman's father. (That makes them 1st cousins twice removed... or some such [expletive deleted] as that. It's all too confusing for me.) Aunt Belle was a widow by the time I met her. I used to go to Ohio with my Thomas grandparents every summer to visit Grandma's relatives. Belle was Grandma's aunt.

John Downing Herdman married Margaret Johnson in 1864, and they had five children: 
William McClellan Herdman
Thomas Michael Herdman
Alvero Milton Herdman
Aggie Eska Herdman
Mary Anna Belle Herdman

I have photos of two of these
Alvero Milton Herdman

In this photo "Mack" is William McClellan Herdman, Laura Helterbrand is his wife, and I have yet to figure out just who Mabel is. Probably their daughter, I'm guessing. This is a photo I got from my dad's family history research. 

I've managed to track down a host of relatives on Find-a-Grave and Family Search websites, to identify the people in some of the family photos. I found LOTS of Herdmans, although most of them are only tangentially related to us. Still, we have photos of them, so...

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