Wednesday, September 15, 2021

September 15


John Davidson Arnold and Gracie Belle Webb 1917

I don't have any pictures of John when he was older, and I don't have any pictures of Aunt Gracie when she was younger. And I don't have any pictures of the two of them together.

John Davidson Arnold was the brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Photo: George, Annie, John, Marlie, Etta - children of John Henry and Adaline Carter Arnold.

John Davidson Arnold was a musician (apparently)
Photos: John Arnold playing the fiddle (don't know the other person), John Arnold and guitar.
He was a blacksmith by trade.

John and Gracie had eight children: Burton, Burnis, Alene, Maxine, Lloyd, John Henry, Christene, and Bertha Lee. I have pictures of three of them --
Photos: Irene Hicks holding Burton Arnold, Maxine Arnold Cobb, Christene Arnold Riggs

Burton Arnold died at age 1 1/2 from a childhood disease (typhoid or diphtheria). As far as I know, this is the only existing photograph of him. The pictures of Maxine and Christene I got from the Find a Grave website.

John Davidson Arnold died in 1954 of metastatic prostate cancer. Gracie Arnold died in 1992.

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