Wednesday, September 22, 2021

September 22


Asa H. Gibson 1848-1912

Asa Gibson was my great-great-grandfather. 

Asa Gibson's parents were Smith Gibson and Rebecca Ocheltree. I don't have any pictures of Rebecca. I have a picture of Smith Gibson with his 2nd wife, Emily Standley, and some other relatives, including Asa (right) and his wife Lucretia Adaline Gard (left).

Asa Gibson and Adaline Gard had 15 children: Cora, Clara, Anna Gertrude, William Minter, twins Dora and Lora, Lawrence Elmer, unnamed twins who died at birth, Calder, Iva Jane, Stella Frances, Julia Grace, Edna Elsie, and Oma F Gibson. (Cora, Clara, twins, Calder, and Oma all died in childhood.)

Lora Gibson was my great-grandmother. She married Alexander Oscar Burford, Jr.
Alexander and Lora had ten children: Deb, Helen, Ishmael, George, Killough, Bernice, Lester, Neil, Juanita, and Judy.

Lester Burford was my grandfather. He married Cleffie Lorene Hicks and they had four children: Wathada (my mother), Morris, Bob, and Ron.

*    *     *

Just a side note: Those Gibson genes are STRONG, don't you think? A striking resemblance through the generations...
Photos: Asa Gibson (born 1848), Lester Burford (born 1913), 
Ron Burford (born 1944), Ronnie Burford (born 1972)

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