Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 30

 Elizabeth Evans Anderson was born 30 August 1840

Elizabeth was a sister of my great-great-great-grandmother Jane Evans Carter.
PHOTO: This is a photo (the picture above is a painting) of Elizabeth with her mother Sarah Bishop Evans. I assume the little girl is Elizabeth's daughter, but I don't know that for sure. I had this photograph a long time before I figured out who the people were. The back of the photo is labeled 'Bett and Sarah, sisters of Adeline carter Arnold' -- but I couldn't reconcile the photo with the genealogy. After a LOT of digging around the internet I was able to finally determine that they were not sisters of Adaline (my great-great-grandmother) but Adaline's aunt (Elizabeth) and grandmother (Sarah).
Generations: Sarah Bishop Evans, Jane Evans Carter, Adaline Carter Arnold, Annie Arnold Hicks (my great-grandmother)

Elizabeth Evans was married to John Anderson, a Civil War soldier.
I believe this is the oldest of all the family photographs in my possession.

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Mary Chlorine Miller married Alvie O Shannon 30 August 1936
I don't have a picture of Alvie Shannon.
Chlorine was a daughter of Violet Hicks and Rom Miller. I don't have a picture of either of them.
Violet was a daughter of Pinkney Hicks (brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks)
PHOTO: Hicks brothers Ulysses, Felix, Pinkney, and David.

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George Theodore Thomas died 30 August 1920, age 63

From my dad's family history records:
George was a first cousin of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas.
George's father (Uriah) and Charles' father (Washington) were brothers.

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