Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16

Arbie Delcie Arnold Hayes died 16 August 1999, age 85

Arbie was one of "Uncle George's girls" -- daughters of George Ned Arnold
George was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks

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Moses Joseph Parker died 16 August 1889, age 78
Moses was the grandfather of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat

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Dallas Miftlin 'Dale' Miller died 16 August 1903, age 51
Dale was the husband of Alice Ford
Alice was a sister of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas

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Otho Simeon Ford died 16 August 1980, age 73
Otho was the grandson of Charles McMillan Ford
Charles was a brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas

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Kevin Mark Siggins was born 16 August 1973
PHOTO: Katie and Kevin Siggins
Kevin is a son of Effie Ford Siggins
Effie and her sister Della are daughters of Otho Simeon (above) and Fiina Ford 

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