Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21

Erwin Leslie Wells was born 21 August 1890

Erwin was the husband of Renue Thomas.
Renue was a sister of my grandfather Bill Thomas.

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Fiina Herranen Ford died 21 August 2001, age 96
Fiina was the wife of Otho Simeon Ford.
Otho was the grandson of Charles and Effie Ford. 
Charles Ford was a brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

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Gerald Bailey Hayes was born 21 August 1933

Gerald is the son of Arbie Arnold and Bill Hayes.
Arbie was one of "Uncle George's girls" -- Uncle George being the brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.

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Jeffrey Dean Murray was born 21 August 1995

PHOTO: Jason and Jeffrey Dean ("J.D.") Murray
J D is the son of Brandy Thomas Murray. 
Brandy is the daughter of Rick (my brother) and Bella Wisdom Thomas.

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Melanie Jean and Michael Ted Radde were born 21 August 1968

Melanie and Mike are children of Beverly Jones and Ted Radde.
Beverly was the daughter of Evalee Hicks and Charles Jones.
Evalee was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

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