Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26

Chuck Hicks married Melinda Shappley 26 July 1974

Chuck is the son of Olan and Barbara Hicks.
Olan was a brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Mary Alice Moorehead Bullard died 26 July 1943, age 72

Mary Alice was the 2nd wife of George Bullard.
PHOTO: George and Mary Alice Moorehead Bullard with daughter Tessie and Mary Alice's two sons Levi and Herbert Robinson.  
George Bullard was an uncle of my great-grandfather John Henry Arnold. George and his sister Peggy took in and raised Henry who was the child of their sister Emma Bullard Arnold. So George and Peggy were more like parents to him than uncle and aunt.

Vicki Lynn Hills was born 26 July 1951

Vicki is the daughter of Jerry Thomas Roberts.
Jerry is the daughter of Melvin Thomas, brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas.

Willene Searcy Haynes died 26 July 2016, age 89 (edith's daughter)

Willene was the daughter of Edith Burford.
Edith was a half-sister of my grandfather Lester Burford.

William Ralph Rogers was born 26 July 1923

Bill was the husband of Bernice Hicks.
Bernice was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

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