Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12

Ernest Timothy Hicks was born 12 July 1955

Ernie was the son of Lowell and Elaine Hicks.
Lowell was a brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

Jonathan Dewayne Jenkins was born 12 July 1998
Jonathan is the son of Pamela Thomas
Pam is the daughter of Rick (my brother) and Bella Wisdom Thomas

Sarah 'Sally' Davis Parker died 12 July 1871, age 56

Sarah was my great-great-great-grandmother.
She was the wife of Moses Joseph Parker
Moses and Sarah were the parents of my great-great-grandfather Moses Parker, Jr.

Moses (Jr) and Celia Campbell Parker were the parents of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat

Massie and Marcus Treat were the parents of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas

Christie and Bill Thomas were the parents of my dad, Richard Thomas.
PHOTO: Bill and Christie, Bernarde, Richard.

PHOTO: Richard and Wathada Thomas, Dianne (me) 1955

1 comment:

  1. I always appreciate seeing pics of your dad. Thanks for that. Any day that Red was a part of your life was a great day.


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