Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11

Bernice Hicks married Bill Rogers 11 July 1970

Bernice was the youngest of six daughters of my great-grandparents Ulysses and Annie Hicks.
PHOTO: Ulys and Annie with (clockwise starting on Ulys' right) Vernell, Cleffie, Irene, Elvin, Jack (Ruby's husband), Ruby, Evalee, Lowell, Olan, Bernice, Oma Dell (Jack and Ruby's daughter)

PHOTO: Annie and Ulys with their 9 children (L-R): Ruby, Cleffie, Irene, Lowell, Elvin, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Bernice. This picture was taken at Ulys & Annie's 50th wedding anniversary in 1960.

Bernice Hicks married Jay Bridges in 1945.

They had three children - Shelby, Gregory (died at birth), and Cindy
PHOTO: Bernice, Shelby, Cindy
I don't have a picture of the 4 of them all together. Jay and Bernice divorced.

Bernice married Jim Snelling in 1968
PHOTO: Jim and Bernice Snelling

Jim and Bernice divorced, and in 1970 Bernice married Bill Rogers
PHOTO: Bernice and Bill Rogers

Bernice and Bill were married 32 years, until his death in 2003.

Bernice married Dean Kittleson in 2005. 
I don't have a picture of Dean. They were still married at the time of Bernice's death in 2016.
As far as I know, Dean is still living.

PHOTO L-R: Lowell, Bernice, Olan

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