Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13

Josephus Purtee died 13 July 1940, age 92

One of these twin brothers is Josephus Purtee. They are somehow related to the Herdman family, which is somehow related to the Treat branch of our family tree. (I have just about as many pictures of Herdmans as I have of Treats. Not sure how that happened, because there is only one connection, by marriage, between the two families.)

Marla Lee Hicks was born 13 July 1973. 

(Don't y'all tell her I posted this sweet picture of her from long ago. LOL)

Marla is the daughter of Clint and Janice Hicks.
Clint is the son of Olan Hicks (brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)

Roy Glen Baker died 13 July 2002, age 62
He was the son of Agnes Carter and Elmer Baker.
Agnes was a daughter of John Martin Carter (brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold)

Emma Christine Harting was born 13 July 2005

I'm pretty sure this is a picture of Emma, but I wouldn't guarantee it. I got it from her mother's Facebook page. Her mother is Tammy Jones Harting, daughter of Buck and Judy Jones. Buck is the son of Evalee Hicks Jones (sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.)

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