Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14

Elvin Revalee Hicks Jr died 14 July 2018, age 77

Junior was the son of Elvin Hicks (brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)

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Moses Joseph Parker Sr was born 14 July 1811

Moses was the grandfather of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat

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Russell Connor Herdman died 14 July 1973, age 68

The photo on the left is from my dad's family history photo collection. The photo on the right is from the FindAGrave memorial for Russell Herdman, and also the memorial for his wife Pearl -- so I'm assuming the woman in the center of the picture is Pearl, with Russell on the left. I don't know who the woman on the right is -- probably the mother of either Russell or Pearl. The Herdman family is related to the Treat family by the marriage of Belle Treat to Ulysses Herdman.

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Samantha Renae Anderson married Kevin Reeves 14 July 2001
I don't have a picture of Kevin Reeves. 
Samantha is the granddaughter of June Barnett Anderson.
June's mother, Irene Hicks Barnett, was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.
In the photo above, five generations are represented - Irene, June, June's son Randy, Randy's daughter Samantha, and her son Jeffrey. This picture was taken in December 2000.

This picture is Randy and his wife Pauletta with their son Scott and daughter Samantha.

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Uriah Baker Thomas died 14 July 1904, age 85
Uriah was a brother of my great-great-grandfather Washington Lafayette Thomas.

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