Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22

Amy Gibson married Lemuel Lockard 22 July 1845

Amy and Lemuel Lockard were the parents of Helen Virginia Lockard, first wife of my great-grandfather Alexander Oscar Burford, Jr.

PHOTO: Alexander and Helen Virginia Burford with their children Raymond, Edith, and Hazel.

I don't have a picture of Amy Gibson or Lemuel Lockard.

Brittney Renee Reeder was born 22 July 1989

Brittney is the daughter (or stepdaughter?) of Mike Radde.

Mike is the son of Beverly Jones Radde, daughter of Evalee Hicks Jones (sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)

Felix Hallmark Hicks died 22 July 1932, age 51

PHOTO: Felix Hicks with wife Ida Lenora Sandefur Hicks and children Rosie and Odice.
Felix Hicks was a brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks

Ida Lenora Sandefur Hicks was born 22 July 1881 (wife of Felix Hicks - see photo above)

Jamison Alan Hicks married Lisa Smedley 22 July 1989

PHOTO: Lisa and Jamie Hicks 
(I got this picture from Lisa's Facebook page)
Jamie is the son of Lowell and Elaine Hicks
Lowell was a brother of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford

Jay Dow Naftzger was born 22 July 1866

Jay was the father of Nina Naftzger
Nina married Cecil Hurlbut

Cecil's mother was Etta Thomas, sister of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas

John Cleveland Miller died 22 July 1936, age 53
PHOTO: John Cleveland Miller and his wife Gulie
John was a son of Dale and Alice Ford Miller. Alice was a sister of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

Marc Allan Till was born 22 July 1956

Okay, so here's the thing...
 The first picture I posted here was
But then I realized... Oops, wrong Marc. In this photo the little boy is Marc Treat (I'm assuming named after his great-grandfather Marcus Treat). The little girl on the left is Christina Treat. But I suddenly realized... wait a minute! I'm supposed to be posting Marc TILL, not Marc TREAT.


So I went back to my family photo collection and searched for "Marc" again. Okay, so ... THIS is Marc Till:
PHOTO: Marc Till (back left) with his mother Joann Till (center) and his wife Christina (back right). The two boys in the photo are Marc and Christina's sons Matt and John. (The little girl is his niece Lacey - daughter of Marc's brother Tommy.)

Pardon my confusion, but I have an excuse. You see, the Treat family and the Till family are related, and I knew both (all) of them growing up. 

My great-grandfather Marcus Treat had 4 children - Ray, John, Christie, and Madge. 

John Treat begat Jack Treat, who begat Jeff Treat, who begat Marc Treat. 
Madge Treat married Leonard Till and begat Ralph Till, who begat Marcus Allan Till. 

Marc Till married Christina Green. 
Jeff Treat married Carol Bastian, and messed with my poor little brain by naming his daughter CHRISTINA and his son MARC.

So now, how would you expect anyone to not be confused by all that?!  

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