Saturday, September 07, 2024

McMurtry Mystery SOLVED!

 Here's a little mystery from the Thomas branch of the family tree that I've been working on for quite a while and just got it straightened out yesterday...

I have quite a few photos and postcards from someone named "Wilsie" and someone named "Elmer" -- not knowing who they were. Also, a few pictures of Ruth M. Davis, not knowing who she was. Well, after a LOT of digging around the internet I have finally been able to put the pieces together. (One of my current projects is pairing some of the family photographs with scans of what's written on the backs of the pictures.) As it turns out, my great-great-grandfather William Ford (the father of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas, as well as her siblings Alice, Kate, Charles, and Stephen) had a sister named Cecelia -- Mary Cecelia, to be exact, which made her harder to find in the genealogy records. William had migrated from New York to Michigan, but Cecelia and her progeny stayed in New York. I have a few pictures of them when they came to visit the Michigan relatives. And there are some discrepancies in the labeling of the pictures, so... it was all very confusing.
"L to R Bill Thomas, Charles, Nancy, ?, William Ford, Renue Thomas"
Same photo...
"Renue Thomas, Father Ford, Rosa's little girl, Elmer W, Nancy, Charlie Thomas, Bill Thomas"
"On a Haystack (Bangor, Mich) Bill Thomas, Charlie Thomas, Nancy Thomas, Elmer W., Father Ford, and Renew Thomas with little girl"

[In fact, these were taken on the same day as some other group photos where the man in the white hat is identified as cousin Wilsie "from Buffalo". Wilsie had a brother named Elmer -- both with the surname McMurtry. I'm arbitrarily deciding that the man in the white hat is Wilsie, but it could be Elmer.]

Postcards from Elmer and Wilsie...
"This is our new Dodge car, wish you was here to take a ride with us. Elmer"

"This is the building where Mr Sunday spoke..." [I can't read all of it] ... signed Wilsie

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