Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17

Andrew Thomas was born 17 September 1927 

Andy is the husband of Joyce Thomas.
PHOTO: Joyce an Andy Thomas with their sons and grandchildren.
Joyce is the daughter of William George Thomas (brother of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas).

Cleffie Hicks Burford died 17 September 2004, age 87
Cleffie was my grandmother (my mother's mother). This picture was taken about 6 weeks before she died.

James Edward Leon Garrett was born 17 September 1939
Leon was the 2nd son of Verlie Arnold Garrett.
PHOTO: Ed and Verlie Garrett with (L-R) West, Youl, Arletta, and Leon. 
Verlie was a daughter of George Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

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