Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13

 Brandy Sue Thomas was born 13 September 1975 in Michigan.

Brandy is my niece, the daughter of Rick (my brother) and Bella Wisdom Thomas.
PHOTO: Rick and Brandy.
These pictures were taken at Grandma and Grandpa Thomas' house in Bangor MI.
PHOTO: Bella and Brandy.

PHOTO: Grandma and Grandpa Thomas with Brandy (left) and Pam (her sister), 1977.

PHOTO: Four generations - Brandy, Rick, Wathada, Cleffie, 1980.


Sometime between then and now...

Brandy married Shane Murray...
and they had two children - Jeffrey Dean ("J.D.") and Jason

Happy birthday, Brandy!

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