Friday, September 06, 2024

September 6

Glynda Faye Carter married Dalton Dwayne Tucker 06 September 1955

Glynda is the daughter of Ned Jackson Carter.
Ned was a son of John Martin Carter
John was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold (mother of Annie Arnold Hicks)

Glynda has been a wonderful resource for photos and stories and the history of the Carter branch of the family tree.

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Juanita Virginia Burford was born 06 September 1916

Juanita was a sister of my grandfather Lester Burford

PHOTO: Lora Burford (center) with some of her children: (L-R) Lester, Juanita, George, Deb, Bernice, Judy, and Helen

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Lora Frances Walters was born 06 September 1923
Frances was the daughter of Helen Burford and Sherman Walters

Helen was a sister of my grandfather Lester Burford (see group photo above)

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Omer Allen Miller was born 06 September 1865
PHOTO: brothers Omer and John J. Miller

The Miller family is related to the Ford branch of our family tree. Nancy Ford Thomas was my great-grandmother. Nancy's sister Alice married Dale Miller. Omer Miller was a nephew of Dale Miller.

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Pearl A Snyder Miller died 06 September 1953

PHOTO: Pearl and John J. Miller (left) (courtesy of Bangor Historical Society)
Pearl was the wife of John J. Miller (brother of Omer Miller - see photo of John and Omer, above)

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Velma Lee Barnett was born 06 September 1935
Velma Lee is the daughter of Doc and Irene Hicks Barnett
Irene was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford

PHOTO L-R: Velma Lee, Bobbie, Doc, Betty, Irene, June

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