Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28

Otho Horace Ford married Ann Olsen 28 May 1960 (I don't have a picture of her.)

PHOTO: Charles and Effie Ford with (L-R) Cleo, Otho Simeon, Otho Horace.
Charles Ford was a brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

Otho was the son of Effie Harvey and her 1st husband Milton Conklin

When Effie married Charles Ford, he adopted Otho. (Otho was 6 years old when they married.)

Otho Horace Ford was married four times:
He married Edith Abbie Stuller 01 January 1908
He married Laura Johnsen 08 December 1915
He married Maude Reiter 22 January 1924
He married Ann Olsen 28 May 1960
(Otho met Ann Olsen in the nursing home where they were both residing at the time. Otho died just less than a year after they were married.)

Otho had a son, Otho Simeon Ford, with his first wife Edith Stuller.
PHOTOS: Otho Horace Ford and Edith Abbie Stuller

PHOTO: Otho Simeon Ford
(Edith's father's name was Simeon)

As far as I know, Otho Horace Ford didn't have any other children.

Charles and Effie Ford adopted Otho Simeon when he was a baby. Here's how the story is recorded in our family history --

Otho Simeon was abandoned in a hotel room in Chicago when he was a baby. The story goes that Otho Horace and his wife Edith Stuller both just walked out of the hotel and left this baby in the room. A neighbor heard him crying and crying and finally went to the main desk to report it. Hotel management went into the room and found him abandoned. When they checked the records Effie and Charlie Ford, his grandparents, were listed as people to notify in case of emergency. They called them and they immediately went to pick him up. 
Grandpa Charles adopted him legally so that Otho Horace couldn't claim him again. The baby (Otho Simeon) had been underfed and lacked milk to build calcium, so his legs were weak and bowed. Charlie bought a tricycle, which we understood they really couldn't afford, to help strengthen his legs. Otho Simeon continued to live with Charles and Effie until he was grown.

When Charles and Effie got elderly and unable to cope for themselves Otho Simeon went back to Michigan and brought them to his home in Montana and cared for them until their death. They are buried in the family plot in Red Lodge, Montana.

--Source: Della Ford Emmett, daughter of Otho Simeon and Fiina Herranen Ford

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