Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14

 Rebecca 'Beckie' Parker Leeth was born 14 May 1886 in Pike County, Ohio.

She was a sister of my great-grandmother Massie Parker.

Rebecca married Leslie Leeth 05 Mar 1905 in Pike County, Ohio, 

and they had 6 children: twins Dennis and Daisy, Kenneth, Carl, Harold, and Vera. Harold died at age 2 months from whooping cough.

PHOTO: Leslie and Beckie Parker Leeth with daughter Vera. 

(Her name was Vera Juanita, and as far as I can tell, she was called "Wanna" or "Juana")

PHOTO: Daisy and Dennis Leeth (born 1905)

PHOTO: Dennis and Daisy (back), Kenneth and Carl (front). (Carl was born in December 1910.)

Rebecca Parker was the daughter of Moses and Celia Campbell Parker

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