Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25

Etta Eunice Thomas married Myrick 'Mike' Hurlbut 25 May 1881

PHOTO: Etta and Mike Hurlbut with their children Ethelyn and Cecil
Etta was a sister of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas

Margaret Emaline Carter Rhoades was born 25 May 1862
I posted yesterday about Margaret's death. She died one day before her 80th birthday.

Ida Mae Sandefur married Ceilco Weatherford 25 May 1925

PHOTO: Mae and her sister Viola (back), Malisa Hicks (my great-great-grandmother) and her daughter Nancy Hicks Sandefur (front). Mae and Viola are Nancy's daughters. Nancy Hicks was a sister of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.

I don't have a picture of Ceilco Weatherford. Mae and Ceilco were divorced, I assume. In the 1940 census Mae is recorded as being a widow, with a 4 year old son named Carter. (Carter was Ceilco Weatherford's first name.) It's not surprising that she would have told the census taker that she was a widow, instead of saying she was divorced, because divorce was not very socially acceptable in those days. However, in 1940 Ceilco was still living, as evidenced by his death certificate in 1946. He died of a gunshot wound, and his death certificate labels it a homicide. On that document his wife's name is listed as Gracie.  

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