Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18

Mabel Gertrude Myers was born 18 May 1900

Mabel was the wife of John Treat (brother of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas)

PHOTO L-R: Faun and Bob, Mabel, Bill, Christie, John, Madge

Faun was a cousin to Christie and John, Bob was Faun's husband. Bill and Christie were my grandparents. Madge was Christie and John's sister.

John and Mabel Treat had one child, a son, Jack
PHOTO L-R: John, Mabel, Jack, Joanie (Jack's wife), Christie and Bill.

This group photo was taken at John and Mabel's 25th wedding anniversary.
Here is a tagged version of the picture -
FRONT: Christie Thomas, Massie Parker Treat, Bill Thomas, Mabel and John Treat, Mary Myers (Mabel's mother), Richard Thomas.
BACK: Madge Till, Elmer Myers (Mabel's father), Leonard Till holding Eddie Heinze, Mabel's brother and his wife (I don't know which brother), Ed and Ruth Heinze (holding Rita), Bernarde and Eileen Thomas (holding Mick), Mary Till (holding Doug), Junior Till (holding Cindy), Marcus Treat, Jack Treat.

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