Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19

 Katherine Belle Treat Herdman died 19 May 1962, age 90

Belle was the sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat

PHOTO: John and Martha Walls Treat with their children - Belle, Marcus, and Estle
PHOTO: Marcus and Belle

Belle married Ulysses Herdman
PHOTO: Ulysses and Belle Treat Herdman
They had 3 children: William, Hazel, and Faun

I used to go with my grandparents to Ohio every summer to visit Grandma (Christie) Thomas' relatives. Belle was her aunt.
PHOTO L-R: Christie and Bill Thomas, Bob McDonald, Aunt Belle.
Bob McDonald was the husband of Aunt Belle's daughter Faun. We usually stayed at Faun and Bob's house in whenever we went to Ohio.
PHOTO: Bob and Faun, Bill and Christie
(I took the picture)

PHOTO: Belle (right) with her daughter Hazel

PHOTO: Bill and Christie with Aunt Belle shortly before she died.

I have this postcard

The card says "We stayed all nite here the 21st, Madge's & John's & us when Aunt Belle died. Was buried Tues May 22 '62"

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