Thursday, January 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - January 26

 I don't have pictures of any of the people who have birthdays or anniversaries on this date, so I'm going to do something different today. I'm going to post several pictures of my grandmother -- Christie Thomas -- and some of the ladies clubs that she belonged to. They would get together to play cards or Bunco once a month or so. Sometimes I went with her. A few of these faces look familiar, and I remember the names of a few of them -- but I can't match any of the names to the faces.

Grandma is second from right, back row.

Grandma is 4th from right.

Grandma is not in this picture. She was probably the one who took the picture.

Grandma is front right. Aunt Mabel is 2nd from left. 

Grandma is in the middle. The lady on the left is Ethel Kime. I'm not sure about the lady on the right.

On the back of this picture is written: Hertha Woodrum, Christie Thomas, Mrs Evans, Edith Davis, Hazel Kelso, Stella K, Mrs Haynes
Christie is in the center, at the left table, looking over the head of the lady in the light-colored hat. I have absolutely no idea what this meeting might have been -- with some of the ladies wearing some sort of uniform hats...

Somebody told me the man in this picture was a pastor, so maybe this was a church group? I don't remember Grandma ever going to church, but some (probably most) of her friends went to the Methodist or Christian churches in town. (Town being Bangor, Michigan)

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