Wednesday, January 11, 2023

On This Day in Family History - January 11

 Hope Virginia Arnold was born 11 January 1933 in Oil Trough, Independence County, Arkansas

Hope was a daughter of Marlie and Birdie Arnold. 
Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks. 
Photo: Birdie and Marlie Arnold
Marlie and Birdie had 8 children:  Sylvia, Eldred, Arbon, Doyle, Lois, Noel, Dorothy Mae, and Hope.

Photo: (L-R) - Noel, Olan, Dorothy Mae, Evalee, Lois, Hope, Arbon, Lowell, Bernice, Oma Dell, Vernell. (Children of Annie Hicks, and children of Marlie Arnold)

Photo: Hope, Dorothy Mae, Sylvia, and Aunt Birdie

Hope married Claude Brackett 23 April 1953, in Drasco, Cleburne County, Arkansas.
Hope and Claude had four children: Claude Michael, Brenda Karen, Mark Anthony, and Timothy Keith.
I don't have any pictures of Claude or any of their children.

The photo on the right was taken at the Carter/Arnold annual family reunion in 1994.

Hope Virginia Arnold Brackett died 30 May 2007 in Batesville, Arkansas, at age 74.

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