Tuesday, January 10, 2023

On This Day in Family History - January 10

 Nancy Louise Thomas was born 10 January 1956

Photo: Nancy and Jeff Thomas

Nancy is the daughter of Roger and Jean Thomas.  

Photos: Jean and Roger Thomas

Roger was the son of Mel and Alta Thomas. Mel was the brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas.
Photo: Mel and Alta Thomas, son Roger

Roger and Jean had three children: Vickie, Nancy, and Jeff
Photo: Jeff and Nancy Thomas 1961

Photo: Nancy Thomas (center) with Susan and Vicki Hills. 
Susan and Vicki are Nancy's cousins -- daughters of Roger's sister Jerry (Geraldine) Thomas Hills. 
Photo: Back - Jerry, Mel, Alta. Front: Nancy, Vicki (Jerry's)
(Roger and Jerry both had daughters named Vickie. Roger's was his stepdaughter -- from Jean's previous marriage. I didn't know them well, so I'm not always sure about which children are in the photos. These, fortunately, had writing on the back, so I know this was Jerry's Vicki and Roger's Nancy.)

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