Wednesday, January 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - January 25

 Allan Washburn Miller was born 25 January 1921

Allan was the son of John Cleveland Miller and Giulielma Hoxie Miller
Allan's grandmother was Alice Ford, a sister to my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas. Alice married Dale Miller, and that is the connection between the Ford and Miller branches of the family tree.

Allan's mother Giulie died shortly after Allan's birth. Allan was taken in and raised by relatives Harry and Effie Wieland. His two older brothers remained in the home.
Photo: Jerry, Allan, and Preston Miller

Effie and Harry Wieland, Allan Miller

Allan married a woman named Mary. I don't know her maiden name or anything else about her. I have a picture that says this on the back: "I don't think Mary ever dreamed her picture would travel to Japan". I know that Allan was in the Army Air Corps, but I don't know if he ever went to Japan. He was single when he enlisted. I've wondered, though, if it might be Allan's wife. 
There's a possibility it's Junior Till's wife, who was also named Mary.

Allan Washburn Miller died 25 June 2002

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