Friday, March 08, 2024

On This Day in Family History


Okay, the paperback version is available. Once again, I suggest you get the Kindle version instead. There were technical difficulties that required me to limit the blog posts to one photograph per post for the paperback, instead of the collages I used in the Kindle version of the book. Of course, you can download pictures directly from the blog if you want to. I'm always surprised at how well the photos turn out in black and white for the paperback books. 

Well, anyway, for better or worse, here it is. This book is the compilation of all the Woodsfull blog posts from 2023.  

I don't plan any more family photo books right now. My current project is a series of books about hymns, from the Heartbells blog. (Well, I'm also planning a book in honor of my mother. But that's a secret, so don't tell anyone.)

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