Wednesday, March 06, 2024

March 6

 Terry Allen Treat was born 06 March 1956

PHOTO L-R: Terry, Jackie Jo, Jeff Treat

Terry is the son of Jack and Joanie Treat
PHOTO L-R: Terry, Joanie holding Jackie Jo, Jeff, Jack

Jack Treat was my dad's cousin, the son of John and Mabel Treat
PHOTO L-R: John and Mabel Treat, Jack and Joanie Treat, Christie and Bill Thomas
Bill and Christie were my grandparents.
John Treat was Christie's brother.

Looking at pictures for this post I ran across a photo that I don't remember ever seeing before! Of course, I must have seen it -- because I scanned it -- but somehow I let it slip through the cracks of my memory. Here it is --
PHOTO L-R: Mabel and John Treat, Christie (my grandmother), Massie Treat (John and Christie's mother)

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