Sunday, March 03, 2024

March 3

 Dorothy Mae Arnold was born 03 March 1930

Dorothy Mae was the daughter of Marlie Arnold and Birdie Hays
Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks

PHOTO: Birdie and Marlie Arnold

PHOTO: Arnold and Hicks cousins. Annie's kids: Olan, Evalee, Lowell, Bernice, Vernell, granddaughter Oma Dell. Marlie's kids: Noel, Dorothy Mae, Lois, Hope, Arbon.

PHOTOS: Dorothy Mae.                    Noel, Hope, Sylvia.
These pictures include Dorothy Mae's sisters Hope and Sylvia. The photo on the right was taken at the annual Carter/Arnold reunion in 1994.

Dorothy Mae married Lee Rapert and had two children - Sarah Lee and Larry Wayne. Dorothy had two more children with her second husband Bill Lafkin - Noma and Clinton.

PHOTO: Larry Wayne Rapert

On the FindAGrave website today I found some new pictures!
Lee Rapert

Bill Lafkin

PHOTO: Aunt Birdie holding Dorothy Mae

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