Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March 27

 Dallas Miftlin 'Dale' Miller was born 27 March 1852

Dale was the husband of Alice Ford.
Alice was a sister of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

Dale and Alice had five children - Audie, Carrie, Hattie, Dora, and John Cleveland
Photo: Audie and Alice
Audie died at age 24 from tuberculosis.

PHOTO: Hattie Miller (right) and her husband Cliff Girard

PHOTO: John Cleveland Miller and his wife Gulielma

I don't have pictures of Carrie (she died at age 6 months, cause of death 'congestion of brain') or Dora (she died age 27, cause of death tuberculosis)

Dale Miller died in 1903, age 51.
Alice Miller died in 1941, age 88.

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