Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March 19

Georganna Thomas Spayde was born 19 March 1908

Georganna was the daughter of Roy and Mabel Thomas (Roy was a brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas)

Lawrence Elmer Gibson was born 19 March 1880

Lawrence was a brother of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford

Noel Arnold married Louise Cooper 19 March 1945

Noel was a son of Marlie and Birdie Arnold (Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

Ola Mae Owen Hood was born 19 March 1899

Ola Mae was a daughter of David and Paralee Carter Owen (Paralee was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold)

This is the only other picture I have of Ola Mae Owen. On the back is written "Ola Owen and friends"

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