Sunday, March 17, 2024

March 17

I got a whole new treasure trove of Burford pictures that were left in my mother's filing cabinet! I don't recognize most of these people, although I'm pretty sure I can guess some of them. There's no writing on the backs of most of the pictures -- darn it. 

And now... the grand prize (maybe) ... Could this be the whole Burford family? Alexander and Lora and their children? There's the right number of boys and girls. (Ishmael died before Juanita and Judy were born.) There's an extra adult female, which would likely have been one of Lora's sisters (maybe her twin sister Dora)...
If this is, in fact, Alexander and Lora's family, then one of the little boys in front would be my grandfather Lester Burford.

I have a cousin in Arkansas who might be able to let me know who some of these folks are. I can hardly wait to send her the pictures and see what she says.

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