Saturday, March 23, 2024

March 23

Anna Gertrude Gibson was born 23 March 1873

She was called either 'Annie' or 'Gertie'.
She was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.
PHOTO: Gibson siblings

The only other picture I have of Anna is a large group photo of the Gibson clan:

Anna married John Samuel Kinney and they had eight children. (John Samuel already had 4 children by his first wife when he married Anna, ages 6-13 at the time of their marriage.) John and Anna's children were: Infant son (died at birth), Sarah, Mary, Birdie, Samuel, Calder, John Louis, and Norva (died age 2 days).
Here is a cropped version of the large group photo, showing the Kinney family.

Anna Gertrude Gibson Kinney died in 1943, age 70.

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