Monday, March 18, 2024

March 18

Nancy Ellen Carter married William Cartee 18 March 1898

Will and Ellen are marked in this group photo.

Here is what my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks wrote about them:

  Ellen married Will Cartee the first time, and raised four children.  One of them was married when Will took up with a woman and left Aunt Ellen and of course, he soon wanted to come back but she wouldn’t have him back.  And she struggled and worked and raised her three children (one of her children had died), and did a fine job of it.  They are all married now and have nice families.  And she married a man that treats her right.  His name is Charlie Haigwood.  Her oldest girl died at about 25 years with T.B., I believe.  Her name was Maud.  Maud was married before her parents separated.  She had two sisters and one brother - Lillie, Ralph and Dorothy. 

Ellen Carter was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.
PHOTO: sisters Adaline, Ellen, Paralee

This group picture also includes: 

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