Friday, March 22, 2024

March 22

 Birdie Leona Hays Arnold died 22 March 1978, age 79

Aunt Birdie was the wife of Marlie Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)

Marlie and Birdie had nine children - Sylvia, Eldred, Arbon, Doyle, Lois, Noel, Dorothy Mae, and Hope. Their first baby, a boy, died at birth. Doyle died at age 9 from gangrene from a broken arm. Eldred had epilepsy and died at age 23. 
PHOTOS: Doyle, Eldred

PHOTO: Birdie's children and Annie's children

PHOTO: Hope, Dorothy Mae, Sylvia, Aunt Birdie

I have a picture of Aunt Birdie's parents and siblings:
This would have been about 1911 (the youngest child in the photo was born in 1909) 

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