Thursday, March 07, 2024

March 7

Sarah Caroline Carter was born 07 March 1871 

Sarah was the daughter of Ned Jonas Carter and Jane Evans Carter
PHOTO: Ned Jonas Carter, Jane Evans Carter

Sarah married Albert Newton Betts and they had three children - Elgon Etho, Lora Modena Jane, and Minnie Magelina Frances

Sarah was a sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold

I have pictures of most of their other siblings - 
George, Matilda...
John, Margaret...
Mary Elizabeth, Adaline, Ellen, Paralee
Joe and Lizza Evans (Jane's children from a previous marriage)

I don't have pictures of the two other siblings - Beckie and Wes.
Wes, Mary Elizabeth, and Margaret were the children of Ned and his first wife Melinda Clingan.
So... the Carter household had 13 children altogether.

There are stories I've collected from various family members about several of these Carter relatives. They are included in my book The Woods is Full of 'Em.

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