Friday, March 29, 2024

March 29

Every year I dedicate this day to my uncle Ron Burford. He was so very special to me, and to all of us, and he was taken from us much too soon. It's just too bad for anyone else in the family who shares this same birthday. So... I'm going to go ahead and make today's blog post about another relative who was quite remarkable in her own way. And I will re-post on Facebook the last three years' blog posts about Uncle Ron.

 Verlie Ethel Edra Arnold was born 29 March 1921

Verlie was a daughter of George Arnold (brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks)
She married Ed Garrett and they had four children - Leon, Wes, Youl, and Arletta.

Verlie outlived all 12 of her siblings.
She died April 08, 2023 at the age of 102.

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